About Us
The Association aims to remain focussed on providing quality, affordable, homes and excellent customer services.
Paisley Housing Association is a charitable registered Social Landlord (RSL) and it’s core business is the provision of affordable housing and the delivery of housing related services. Housing associations aim to provide good, low cost accommodation for people who really need it.
PHA is run by a Board of volunteers. The Board comprises of a mix of tenants, tenants from other landlords and people with a background in housing who have an interest in Renfrewshire. The strength in the Board lies in the diversity of age, experience, skills and background. The board employs professional staff to manage the properties.
Our History
Paisley South End Housing Association was set up on the 24th May 1984 formed from a steering group who wanted to focus on the renovation of the South of Paisley. The purpose of the Association at that time was the comprehensive rehabilitation of tenemental property. It was not until 1993 that the first new build was completed. In 1998, after several years of negotiation, former Scottish Homes properties in the Foxbar and Rivers areas transferred to PSHA. Factoring work was addressed by establishing the subsidiary Paisley South Property Services.
The Association became a charity in 2004 with the object to provide for the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage through the provision, construction, improvement and management of land and accommodation and the provision of care. The areas in which the Association has ownership are within the 20% of the most deprived areas in Scotland.
Paisley South Housing Association changed it's name to Paisley Housing Association in 2016. The Association now owns 1302 rented stock, part owns 1 shared ownership properties and 285 properties are factored under PSPS. The Association continues the tradition of improving tenemental property and building new houses throughout the Paisley area.